Friday, October 22, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Thank you Friday!  After this week I am looking forward to a weekend of my new pumpkin spice coffee, down time, a hunt for this week's scavenger hunt photos, 2 daring kitchen challenges, and a few many hours of yard work exercise getting the summer pots away.  And despite trying to block it out, I have a ton of assessment data to forge my way through in order to plan interventions.  Eegatz...that's a lot I seem to have planned!

Thanks to Lauren for this week's Fill in the Blank Friday:

{photo by Photos Day! via We Heart It}

1.   I am  incredibly happy that it's the weekend!

2.  I wish  the temperature was still warm and I didn't have to scrape the car windows each morning .

3.  I like  chocolate, anytime with Mr. Fine, a good trashy romance novel, a solidly successful trip to an outlet mall, and mexican salads with cilantro dressing .

4.  I can   sit on the couch and eat 3 cookies in a row -- seriously, just did it.

5.  I hope    I am able to continue living life to its fullest for Mr. Fine and I -- keeping my priorities straight and leaving lots of time for me.

6.  I think  a lot right now -- all of which is in a jumble of Friday nightness.

7.  I was   totally psyched to watch The Vampire Diaries last night and think that I'm officially hooked!

What does everyone else have planned for the weekend?

Fine Divider Owl


Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

OY me too... glad it's the weekend, I mean. And report cards are due in the next two weeks, so lots of data to go through here as well!

Anonymous said...

Great answers! Thanks for the email, I was check to see if my comment did the same thing. Oh and I havent watched Vam Diaries... I heard it is gooooood. But I LOVE Greys Anatomy =)

Beck said...

Sigh... my weekend is over, but it was a good one. This week will mark the beginning of report writing season. You too? Wish me luck!

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